D.K. Metcalf tampering with Eagles Roster

D.K. playing games with Eagles fans. The Seahawks play the Eagles this coming Monday night and D.K. has opinions on who should be starting at QB for the Eagles. Considering D.K. got smoked a couple times against Hurts when he played at Ole Miss and Hurts was at Alabama he may be giving real adviceContinueContinue reading “D.K. Metcalf tampering with Eagles Roster”

Is this the Greatest Sports viewing week yet?

So its Thanksgiving week, and although it will be different than most years, but sometimes different can be good. So last night we had a pretty exciting Monday Night football game between the Rams and the Old man-Brady led Bucs. Tuesday is filled with Champions leagues soccer all day. I don’t care if you don’tContinueContinue reading “Is this the Greatest Sports viewing week yet?”

Is Brady Washed?

Yes, Yes, I know. We have had this conversation before. Every time someone has doubted Brady he goes and wins an MVP or a Super Bowl. But that was a young and spire Tom Brady. The new/older Tom Brady is throwing ducks after duck. https://twitter.com/PFF/status/1331090046817071104 https://twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/1331073075476049920 Its not just that he has been making aContinueContinue reading “Is Brady Washed?”

Theo steps down, I’m Sad

https://twitter.com/Cubs/status/1328746056037916674 Ya it happened. Probably one of the greatest baseball execs in the history of baseball has stepped down from the President of Operations of the Chicago Cubs. And to be honest, I don’t blame him. He broke the two largest Championship droughts in sports history with the Red Sox and Cubs. He stayed onContinueContinue reading “Theo steps down, I’m Sad”

Montgomery out, Miller In

https://twitter.com/RapSheet/status/1328014538944487424 Montgomery has been pretty good considering how he has been used and the offensive line play has been atrocious. So he will be missed. But we are getting the first look at Lamar miller, who was pretty good before he was hurt in 2019. I hope the Bears can find a way to incorporateContinueContinue reading “Montgomery out, Miller In”

Are we in the Upside Down of the NFL season?

This whole season and year has felt like its been turned on its head. But this week in particular is a little strange. A normal slate usually has 7-10 games at the early stat and 2-4 in the afternoon slate. But this week is different. The early slate has only 5 games with the afternoonContinueContinue reading “Are we in the Upside Down of the NFL season?”

My Touchdown Scorer Lock

For any of you bettors out there looking for a some quick cash, I think I have the answer. Mark Andrews at +190 to score. touchdown at anytime. And if I am being honest, I am hammering him to score the 1st touchdown at +1100 and for him to score twice at +1300. He hasContinueContinue reading “My Touchdown Scorer Lock”

Why are they not expanding the CFB playoff?

I am sitting here watching some college football like I am sure many of you are and I am just wondering one thing: why isn’t the playoff expanded? This season is weird. This year is weird. And you can either reject it or embrace it. And the NCAA is choosing to reject and stick toContinueContinue reading “Why are they not expanding the CFB playoff?”

Maybe the Bears will make the Playoffs

https://twitter.com/AdamSchefter/status/1326263196957683716 This is big news for the Bears. With all the break outs happening and the weather about to turn cold, the playoffs could be expanded. I don’t think the Bears are a very good team right now and we are in weird spot if we win a couple more games we won’t get aContinueContinue reading “Maybe the Bears will make the Playoffs”

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