Justin Forsett does not still have the Juice

https://www.instagram.com/p/CH_EBElATQE/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link You gotta give him an A for effort. With all the injuries around the league, GMs might have to get creative with who they sign down the stretch. But, the 35 year old running back Justin Forsett probably isn’t the guy. And good for him. He did his time in the league and nowContinueContinue reading “Justin Forsett does not still have the Juice”

End of a Tradition: Blackout Wednesday

Traditions are what make culture, cultural. Football on Sundays, weird headlines in Florida, and English people chasing cheese down hills But a tradition that pre-dates all of those, Blackout Wednesday. a time when all the college kids and grown ups return to their hometown and get together to get absolutely blasted like the good oldContinueContinue reading “End of a Tradition: Blackout Wednesday”

Patrick Mahomes Ketchup basted Turkey

https://twitter.com/TMZ/status/1331253622823297026 The King of Ketchup is sticking to his guns this Thanksgiving and celebrating with the Red paste of the gods. When he was asked if he was gonna put ketchup on his Turkey, he responded with “come on man, you know me better than that. “I am a big ketchup guy, but with Thanksgiving,ContinueContinue reading “Patrick Mahomes Ketchup basted Turkey”

Taylor Swift announces Folklore film

https://twitter.com/taylorswift13/status/1331224929233227777 So its not a Hollywood film (yet). But this is still awesome. The Queen has been one of the few artists to put out a full album during this pandemic and she just continues to roll. I know I am 24 year old white dude and maybe shouldn’t be such a Big Taylor SwiftContinueContinue reading “Taylor Swift announces Folklore film”

Wawa fight exposes Crack

https://twitter.com/KyleKashuv/status/1331037971995369474 Nothing better than a convenience store fight. These two dudes obviously got nothing to lose and are letting it all hang out. LITERALLY. When you go full pantsed mode and don’t even care and just keep rolling around with another dude who is pantless… crazy. Dontas fuck with either of these dudes.

Gender Reveal gone wrong

https://www.instagram.com/p/CH52OM1Bny4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Gender reveals are too played out and overdone at this pointed someone needs to take a stand. And those are the older siblings of the yet to be born fetuses. This little girl knows that her time of being the only child are numbered. And she said “fuck it” and spoiled the whole thing.ContinueContinue reading “Gender Reveal gone wrong”

Hero saves puppy

https://twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/1330548374421049347 These are the people who should be leading our country. I know this guy looks like a retired coal miner who retired to Florida, but I would follow him anywhere. Anyone who jumps into a swamp where they know alligators are is either the craziest or bravest man ever. cheers to you good sir.ContinueContinue reading “Hero saves puppy”

What an Asshole Part 1

https://twitter.com/barstoolchicago/status/1329443008111054852 First off, claps for the tour guide. But second of all, fuck that ONE person who bought a ticket in 25 MPH winds. How do you think that was a good idea. Even if you didn’t know you were going to be the only one there, you gotta jump off the boat after youContinueContinue reading “What an Asshole Part 1”

Justin Herbert changing his name to Tristan Herbert

https://twitter.com/danielrpopper/status/1329131545546743808 I mean this is not it. Herbert has been lighting up the league since he beams the starter earlier this year. He had everything going for him. Being a starting QB in the NFL, Living in LA, and the HAIR. I just don’t get why you do that to yourself. He went from heartthrobContinueContinue reading “Justin Herbert changing his name to Tristan Herbert”

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